Pursuing Compensation for Repetitive Strain Injuries in Chicago

Repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) are a common complaint for workers in various industries. Unlike other work-related injuries in Chicago, RSIs tend to flare up gradually, often beginning as a slightly uncomfortable strain. Over time, however, RSIs can become so severe that future work is virtually impossible. If you’re struggling with an RSI in Chicago, you have every right to pursue compensation. But how exactly do you get your fair share?
RSIs Are Extremely Common in Chicago
First, you should know that you’re not alone in your struggles with RSIs. This issue is incredibly common throughout workplaces across the nation. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost 10% of all adults have experienced an RSI within the past three months alone. These injuries also represent the majority of all workers’ compensation claims. Healthcare organizations in the United States take RSIs seriously – and so should you.
Immediately Seek Treatment After Noticing an RSI
You should seek treatment for your RSI immediately after becoming aware of it. The statute of limitations states that once you become aware of your injury, you only have a certain amount of time to file a claim. In addition, you are required to report your injury to your employer within 30 days of becoming aware of it. Although it might be tempting to “tough it out,” you must prioritize your health as an American worker. Seek treatment from a healthcare professional and follow the advice of your doctors.
Workers’ Compensation Should Cover RSIs
Workers’ compensation in Illinois should cover the cost of treatment for your RSI. Assuming you seek treatment immediately and file your claim within the time limit, you should also receive compensation for any work you’re forced to miss as a result of your RSI. Workers’ compensation does cover only traumatic injuries, and this program also recognizes the legitimacy of gradual injuries caused by repetitive motions.
RSI Claims Are Often Denied
You should know that insurance companies and employers frequently attempt to deny RSI claims. Because there is no single “traumatic event” associated with this injury, it may be challenging to prove that it was work-related. If a crate falls onto your foot and breaks your toe, you can easily point to this event and establish that it occurred during your work. If you have suffered a torn rotator cuff after repeatedly moving crates for years, however, it may be difficult to establish causation. This highlights the value of working with experienced workers’ compensation lawyers.
Can a Chicago Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Help With RSIs?
If you’re struggling with an RSI, you should immediately seek medical treatment from a professional. Once you have completed this step, you can call a Chicago workers’ compensation lawyer for further guidance. RSIs are often challenging from a workers’ comp perspective, as insurers may attempt to deny your claim for various reasons. Connolly Injury Law has the experience and resources to push back effectively – so schedule your consultation today to get started.