Personal Injury Deposition Questions In Illinois

A personal injury deposition is a legal proceeding in which the injured worker and other involved parties, such as the treating doctor and eyewitnesses, are questioned under oath. Depositions play a crucial role in workers’ compensation cases. If you say something you shouldn’t say during your deposition, it could adversely affect the outcome of your injury case. While the questions you are asked during your personal injury deposition may seem innocent, you need to remember that the opposing attorney is trying to discover facts about you and your case that they can use to discredit you.
While most questions may seem innocent, you must be careful about what you say. One bad answer is enough to ruin your case. Before you go into your workers’ compensation deposition, it is vital that you are prepared to answer the questions that the opposing party will ask you.
General Questions
Your personal injury deposition will most likely kick off with the opposing attorney asking you some general questions about yourself, such as the following;
- What is your name, address, and contact information?
- What is your date of birth?
- What is your Social Security number?
- What is your current employment status?
Questions About Your Family Life
Next, the opposing attorney will most likely ask you questions about your family life, such as the following;
- Are you married?
- Do you have children?
- How old are your children?
- Do you rent or own the house you live in?
- Have you had another spouse?
- Do you provide financial support to anyone?
Questions Concerning Your Employment History
The opposing attorney may ask you the following questions concerning your employment history;
- Where did you work previously, or who was your previous employer?
- How long have you been with the company you currently work for?
- Have you worked for someone else since you were hired where you currently work?
- Have you ever been fired from a previous job?
- Have you ever suffered an injury while working for a previous employer?
Questions Regarding Your Medical History
The opposing attorney may ask you, among others, the following questions about your medical history;
- Were you suffering from any illness before your accident?
- Have you suffered an injury on the job before the one you suffered recently?
Questions About Medical Treatment
You will definitely be asked questions about the medical care you have received since you suffered your injury, such as the following;
- When did you first see a doctor after your injury?
- What medical treatment have you received for your injury?
- Are you on medication?
- Has your doctor advised you to limit activities or provided work restrictions?
Questions Regarding Your Accident and Injury
Of course, a personal injury deposition is not complete if you are not asked questions about your accident and injury. Questions you may be asked regarding your accident and injury include the following;
- How, where, and when did the accident occur?
- Did anyone witness the accident?
- Where were you hurt?
- Were you following all safety protocols when the accident happened?
- When did you report your accident/injury?
Contact a Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer
Our qualified Chicago personal injury lawyer at Connolly Injury Law can practice answering common injury questions with you to ensure you give the best responses. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.