Author Archives: Mark Connolly

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How Should I Prepare For An Independent Medical Examination (IME)?

How Should I Prepare For An Independent Medical Examination (IME)?

The following article will provide some tips regarding how to prepare for independent medical examinations (IMEs). What is an independent [...]

Construction Worker Injured On The Job in Illinois: What To Do?

Construction Worker Injured On The Job in Illinois: What To Do?

The construction industry is very hazardous, and as a result, many construction workers’ get injured in their line of work. [...]

How To Prove Pain And Suffering Damages In A Personal Injury Case

How To Prove Pain And Suffering Damages In A Personal Injury Case

If you were recently injured in an accident and are planning to file a personal injury lawsuit, you may be [...]

Is A Business Liable For A Customer Injury In Illinois?

Is A Business Liable For A Customer Injury In Illinois?

If you were ever injured in a business before, you have likely considered filing a personal injury lawsuit to hold [...]

What You Should Know About Illinois’ Slip/Trip And Fall Laws

What You Should Know About Illinois’ Slip/Trip And Fall Laws

Slip and fall accidents are very common. In fact, these slip/trip and fall accidents currently account for over 1 million [...]

Getting The Most Out Of Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

Getting The Most Out Of Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

The following article will provide some tips for getting the most out of your workers’ compensation claim. Immediately report your [...]

Understanding The Effects Of Brain Injuries

Understanding The Effects Of Brain Injuries

Brain injuries can have devastating lifelong effects. The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) recently reported that there were [...]

What Is The Role Of Private Investigators In The Workers’ Compensation Claims Process?

What Is The Role Of Private Investigators In The Workers’ Compensation Claims Process?

Shortly after an injured employee files for workers’ compensation, the employer’s insurance company may choose to hire a private investigator [...]

What Is The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Claim Process?

What Is The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Claim Process?

If you were recently injured in a workplace accident in the state of Illinois, the following article will detail the [...]

7 Common Mistakes Injured Employees Make During The Workers’ Compensation Claim Process

7 Common Mistakes Injured Employees Make During The Workers’ Compensation Claim Process

If you were recently injured in the workplace, there are certain actions you could take that might jeopardize your workers’ [...]

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