Average Workers’ Compensation Settlement for a Neck Injury in Illinois

Neck injuries are one of the most common work-related accidents. Some of the common work-related neck injuries include whiplash, strains and sprains, herniated discs, pinched nerves, repetitive stress/strain injuries of the neck, cervical dislocation, and cervical fractures. When you suffer a neck injury in Illinois while on the job, you can file a workers’ compensation claim and recover benefits.
In Illinois, it does not matter who or what caused your neck injury. Even if you committed a negligent act that led to your neck injury, you can still recover workers’ compensation benefits. One of the main questions you may ask after suffering a work-related neck injury in Illinois is, “What is the average workers’ compensation settlement for a neck injury?”
Factors That Can Affect the Value of a Job-Related Neck Injury Claim
Each work-related neck injury claim is unique, and the unique circumstances of your case will impact the value of your claim. The following are some of the factors that can affect the value of your work-related neck injury claim;
The Severity of Your Neck Injury
The severity of your neck injury can significantly impact the value of your workers’ compensation claim. Generally, the more severe a neck injury, the more the compensation. A more severe injury means substantial medical expenses. It means you may need surgery, ongoing therapy, and even rehabilitation. All these costs can significantly influence the value of your case.
Lost Wages and Lost Earning Capacity
Whether you are unable to work temporarily or permanently because of your work-related injury can significantly influence the value of your claim. People who suffer reduced or lost earning capacity due to a work-related neck injury can expect to recover a substantial amount of money.
Permanent Impairment or Disability
Another issue that could affect the value of your potential settlement in a work-related neck injury claim is whether or not you suffer permanent impairment or disability. If you do, the benefits you recover will account for the long-term impact on your ability to work and perform other daily activities.
The Attorney You Hire
After suffering a work-related neck injury, it is best that you hire a workers’ compensation attorney to help you with your claim. However, you should keep in mind that the attorney you hire can have a significant impact on the outcome of your case. A skilled attorney can ensure you recover fair compensation. On the other hand, if you hire an inexperienced lawyer, it may result in you not recovering the maximum compensation possible. An experienced attorney knows how to gather and present evidence. They know how to negotiate with insurance companies and employers. Additionally, a skilled attorney can effectively represent you in court if your case proceeds to trial.
Contact Our Chicago Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
If you’ve suffered a work-related neck injury in Illinois and need help recovering the workers’ compensation benefits you deserve, contact our qualified and dedicated Chicago workers’ compensation lawyer at Connolly Injury Law.