Can Workers’ Compensation Cover Funeral Expenses in Chicago?

A workplace fatality leaves surviving relatives with numerous psychological and financial burdens. As you recover from the loss of your loved one, you might wonder how you’re going to handle basic living costs – especially if the deceased worker was the primary earner in your family. Another notable expense is the cost of a decent funeral. Can a workers’ compensation claim in Chicago cover this cost?
Workers’ Compensation Covers Funeral Expenses
Under Illinois employment laws, a workers’ compensation claim should cover funeral expenses after a workplace fatality. This law states that a family member of the deceased should receive $8,000 to cover funeral expenses. Usually, this is the spouse or parent of the deceased individual. If neither of these relatives is available, the “next of kin” receives the $8,000 for burial costs.
What Is the Average Cost of a Funeral in Illinois?
According to the National Funeral Directors Association, the average cost of a funeral in 2023 was $8,300 – assuming both a burial and a viewing. This cost may be lower if families choose cremation instead of a burial. These statistics suggest that the $8,000 provided by the Illinois Workers’ Compensation program may not be enough to cover the full cost of a funeral. This might be alarming to many families, as they may need to cover the remaining portion of these costs despite filing a workers’ comp claim.
Families may be able to lower their funeral costs by choosing cremation instead of burial. However, it is important to remember that this is simply not an acceptable option for various faiths. Among others, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Jewish faith tends to oppose cremation.
Rising inflation across the nation is causing the price of a funeral to increase at an alarming pace. In a few years time, the total cost of an average funeral may be far higher than the $8,000 provided by the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Program. As a result, the state may need to revisit and raise this amount to reflect the realities that families face after losing loved ones to workplace accidents. An experienced workers’ compensation lawyer may be able to help you recover more money to cover funeral costs.
Key Takeaways
- In Illinois, the family of a deceased worker should receive $8,000 for funeral costs
- The average cost of a funeral in 2023 was $8,300
- Workers’ comp may only cover a portion of total funeral expenses
Work With a Chicago Workers’ Compensation Lawyer After a Fatal Accident
If you have lost a loved one in a fatal workplace accident, you do not need to handle the resulting costs alone. An experienced workers’ compensation lawyer in Chicago can help you handle funeral costs, lost future income, and a range of other damages with confidence. Death benefits may be easier to obtain than you realize – so call Connolly Injury Law today to get started with an action plan.