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Does Illinois Workers’ Compensation Choose My Medical Provider?


Every patient in Illinois should have the right to choose their own medical provider. After meeting with a doctor after your workplace injury, you feel unsatisfied for whatever reason. But can you really choose someone different? Or are you forced to accept treatment from whoever the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission chooses for you? This is a question that may be worth exploring alongside an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer in Chicago.

You Have the Right to Choose Your Own Doctor 

Neither your employer nor the Workers’ Compensation Commission has the right to pressure you into seeing a doctor of their choosing. In Illinois, you can choose up to two different doctors when addressing your injuries. As long as these doctors provide necessary treatment for injuries directly related to your work, your employer must compensate you for the cost.

You can also see other treatment providers based on referrals from the first two doctors. For example, your family physician may recommend a physiotherapist. As long as you can establish that your initial doctor referred you to subsequent providers, you should receive compensation for all treatment.

The Preferred Provider Program 

Some employers choose to participate in a Preferred Provider Program. Also known as “PPP,” these programs may limit your ability to choose a doctor. However, you can still choose to work with one doctor of your own choosing. Alternatively, you may need to work with treatment providers who operate under the umbrella of the PPP.

If your employer operates a PPP and you wish to see your own doctor, you must “opt out” in writing. You may wish to do this alongside an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer in Illinois.

Employers often attempt to deny coverage due to a worker’s choice of doctor. They may claim that the doctor you chose provided unnecessary treatment, or that you saw a provider that your doctor never recommended. A lawyer can help you push back against these denials.

Independent Medical Examinations 

In addition, your employer or the insurance company may request an independent medical examination or “IME.” It is usually mandatory to submit, and the insurer/employer can choose which doctor performs the examination. The purpose of these examinations is to determine whether your injuries are legitimate. You do not get to choose the doctor who performs this examination.

 Key Takeaways 

  • Illinois gives workers the right to choose their own doctors after injuries
  • Your employer cannot deny coverage based on your choice of doctor
  • You have the right to switch physicians

 Can a Chicago Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Help Me? 

A Chicago workers’ compensation lawyer may be able to help if you’re experiencing issues accessing medical treatment. Patients have rights in the United States, whether they are recovering from workplace injuries or not. While the Workers’ Compensation Commission may exert some control over your medical treatment, they cannot violate your rights in the process. To learn more about the next steps, consider a consultation with Connolly Injury Law today.




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