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How Long Do I Have to Wait For My Chicago Workers’ Comp Settlement?


One of the most difficult things about filing a workers’ compensation claim in Illinois is waiting. Whether you have suffered a permanent disability or a minor injury, you might be wondering how long this process will take. During this period of uncertainty, you might face numerous treatments and economic hardships. This can cause additional psychological pressures for workers who are already struggling to stay optimistic. So how long will you have to wait for real results?

Each Claim May Have a Different Waiting Time 

Each claim is different, and no amount of online research will tell you exactly how long you need to wait before receiving your settlement. This is why it makes more sense to speak with a Chicago workers’ comp lawyer, since these professionals can analyze your unique situation and provide personalized guidance.

You May Need to Wait Till Maximum Medical Improvement 

If you have suffered a serious workplace injury, you might need to wait until your Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI). Again, there is no way to tell how long this might be, since each injury is different. Your doctors might tell you that in six months time, they can determine whether you will fully regain the use of your hand.

During this waiting period, it doesn’t make sense to pursue a settlement. Although you might be tempted to accept a large sum of money, the insurers may need to pay you more depending on the extent of your disability. If it becomes clear that you will never use your hand again, you will likely be eligible to receive higher compensation.

What if the Insurance Company Is Lying and Pressuring Me to Sign? 

During this waiting period, insurance representatives and employers may attempt to take advantage of your desperate, vulnerable state. They may pressure you to sign on the dotted line, perhaps implying that you will lose the opportunity to receive compensation unless you act now. They may tell you all kinds of things, perhaps suggesting that they will not cover your medical expenses if you wait too long to settle.

If you find yourself in this situation, speak with a workers’ compensation lawyer immediately. Unfortunately, you simply can’t trust what insurance representatives tell you at face value. Workers’ comp lawyers can provide more accurate information, and they can help you push back against insurers who are engaging in stalling tactics.

Can a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Illinois Help Me Speed Up My Claim? 

If you’re struggling with unreasonable delays, you might want to speak with an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer in Chicago. These legal professionals may be able to speed up this process, ensuring you receive your fair share without needless waiting times. If your employer or insurer is refusing to cover your medical bills and other losses, you are legally entitled to push back. Speak with Connolly Injury Law to learn more about your next steps.



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