How To Prepare For Your Workers’ Compensation Trial

Before attending your workers’ compensation trial as an injured employee, it is crucial that you prepare yourself adequately.
So how do you prepare for your workers’ compensation trial? The best way to prepare is to gather a timeline of events, prepare with your attorney, understand the ground rules, choose the right outfit, and get enough rest before the day of the trial. By following these and any other necessary steps, you can feel confident that you are ready for your workers’ compensation deposition.
Gather a Timeline of Events
Before your workers’ compensation trial, it is crucial that you create a timeline of events. Writing down important details, such as what happened before your accident, what happened after your accident, and how the situation was handled, will help you remember the accident. And if you can recall exact and crucial details about your accident, you can be confident that your claim has a high chance of succeeding.
Prepare With Your Attorney
If you have the right workers’ compensation attorney, they will help you prepare for your trial. First, your attorney will help you review your case’s facts to refresh your memory. Your attorney will help you understand the legal and factual issues that are the most vital in your case. Second, your attorney will ask you key questions that you may be asked by opposing counsel during your trial. They will listen to how you respond and help you understand how to answer questions.
Understand the Ground Rules
The ground rules may seem complex and overwhelming if you have never testified in court. You want to ensure you understand the rules before the day of the trial. Fortunately, a skilled attorney can help with this. For example, you should know that testimonies during depositions are given under oath. If you lie under oath, it can be considered perjury. If found guilty of perjury in Illinois, you could be sentenced to jail and/or fines. On top of that, lying under oath could have other lasting effects, such as you being denied professional licensure.
Choose the Right Outfit
Choosing the right outfit for your workers’ compensation trial is more important than you may imagine. Whether or not the opposing counsel and the insurance company admit it, they will judge you based on your appearance.
When it comes to what you should and shouldn’t wear to a workers’ compensation trial, there aren’t any hard-and-fast rules, but generally, you should dress appropriately. Generally, dress as if it were an important job interview.
Get Enough Rest
Finally, ensure you get enough rest before your trial. Trials can be lengthy, and the last thing you want is to doze off during a crucial part of your workers’ compensation case.
Contact a Chicago Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
To get help with your workers’ compensation case, contact our skilled and dedicated Chicago workers’ compensation lawyer at Connolly Injury Law. We have years of experience representing injured workers and helping them recover the workers’ compensation benefits they deserve.