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My Workers’ Compensation Claim Was Denied. What Now?

My Workers’ Compensation Claim Was Denied. What Now?

Workers’ compensation claims are denied by insurance companies for various reasons. If your claim is denied, it can be confusing [...]

How To Prevent Eye Injuries In The Workplace

How To Prevent Eye Injuries In The Workplace

Eye injuries are very common in the workplace. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that there are [...]

How To Prevent Workplace Machinery Accidents In Illinois?

How To Prevent Workplace Machinery Accidents In Illinois?

Many workplace accidents that occur result from the use of heavy machinery. The following article will discuss some of the [...]

My Workers’ Compensation Claim Is Taking Too Long To Process. Should I Hire A Personal Injury Attorney?

My Workers’ Compensation Claim Is Taking Too Long To Process. Should I Hire A Personal Injury Attorney?

If you were recently injured in the workplace, you have probably already submitted a workers’ compensation claim. It is important [...]

Types Of Workers’ Compensation Benefits In Illinois

Types Of Workers’ Compensation Benefits In Illinois

If you are an employee who was injured at work and are looking to file for workers’ compensation benefits, you [...]

Should I Settle My Illinois Workers’ Compensation Claim?

Should I Settle My Illinois Workers’ Compensation Claim?

The workers’ compensation claim process can be tedious and often time-consuming. Some injured workers believe it is in their best [...]

The Effect Of COVID-19 On Illinois Workers’ Compensation Claims

The Effect Of COVID-19 On Illinois Workers’ Compensation Claims

With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, some employees may wonder whether or not they could file workers’ compensation claims [...]

Preventing Workplace Burn Injuries

Preventing Workplace Burn Injuries

Burn injuries that occur in the workplace are especially problematic because they often require long-term and extensive treatment, which may [...]

How To Prevent Construction Accidents In The Workplace In Illinois?

How To Prevent Construction Accidents In The Workplace In Illinois?

Construction is a very dangerous industry. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics recently reported that there were approximately 1,061 [...]

What You Need To Know About Illinois Workers’ Compensation

What You Need To Know About Illinois Workers’ Compensation

If you were recently injured on the job, you have probably considered filing for workers’ compensation benefits. The following article [...]

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