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Top 5 Job Hazards For Retail Workers in Illinois

Top 5 Job Hazards For Retail Workers in Illinois

Hazards exist in every industry, and the retail sector is no exception. People who work in retail face several risks [...]

Here’s How Social Media Can Affect Your Chicago Workers’ Compensation Claim

Here’s How Social Media Can Affect Your Chicago Workers’ Compensation Claim

Social media has become a big part of our lives. Pew Research Center reports that out of ten Americans, seven [...]

What Medical Expenses Are Covered by Illinois Workers’ Compensation?

What Medical Expenses Are Covered by Illinois Workers’ Compensation?

After suffering an injury while on the job in Illinois, you have the right to claim workers’ compensation benefits. In [...]

Safety Tips For Steel Plant Workers In Illinois

Safety Tips For Steel Plant Workers In Illinois

Steep plant workers are exposed to many hazards daily while on the job, such as high temperatures and handling heavy [...]

Factors Insurance Adjusters Use To Evaluate Workers’ Compensation Claims in an Attempt To Find Ways To Attack the Claim

Factors Insurance Adjusters Use To Evaluate Workers’ Compensation Claims in an Attempt To Find Ways To Attack the Claim

Workers suffer injuries and illnesses while on the job all the time. Thankfully, the workers’ compensation system is in place [...]

Personal Injury Deposition Questions In Illinois

Personal Injury Deposition Questions In Illinois

A personal injury deposition is a legal proceeding in which the injured worker and other involved parties, such as the [...]

How an Expert Witness Can Help With Your Chicago Workers’ Compensation Case

How an Expert Witness Can Help With Your Chicago Workers’ Compensation Case

After suffering an injury on the job in Chicago, you are entitled to recover workers’ compensation benefits. However, while you [...]

Getting a Second Legal Opinion in Your Chicago Workers’ Compensation Case

Getting a Second Legal Opinion in Your Chicago Workers’ Compensation Case

When people think of second opinions, often, they think of medical second opinions. However, second opinions are not only reserved [...]

What To Do If Your Employer Is Violating Your Light-Duty Work Restrictions In Illinois

What To Do If Your Employer Is Violating Your Light-Duty Work Restrictions In Illinois

After suffering a work-related injury, your life may be disrupted. You may be unable to go to work as you [...]

Workers’ Compensation Claims For Work Related Auto Accidents In Illinois

Workers’ Compensation Claims For Work Related Auto Accidents In Illinois

You probably already know that Illinois employers are required by law to pay workers’ compensation benefits to employees who suffer [...]

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