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Most Common Dangers Faced By Warehouse Workers In Illinois

Most Common Dangers Faced By Warehouse Workers In Illinois

Warehousing is a large industry in the United States of America. Warehouse work keeps supply chains running. However, working in [...]

Common Types Of Construction Accidents In Illinois

Common Types Of Construction Accidents In Illinois

Construction work is one of the most dangerous jobs. According to research, approximately 60,000 fatal accidents happen yearly on construction [...]

Some Do’s And Don’ts Of Ladder Safety

Some Do’s And Don’ts Of Ladder Safety

If you work in the construction industry, chances are you see and use ladders daily. Unfortunately, people do not realize [...]

Mistakes To Avoid During Your Workers’ Compensation Trial In Illinois

Mistakes To Avoid During Your Workers’ Compensation Trial In Illinois

Illinois employers carry workers’ compensation insurance, which is a type of insurance that provides no-fault benefits to employees who suffer [...]

Responsibilities of Your Employer After You Suffer a Work-related Injury or Illness

Responsibilities of Your Employer After You Suffer a Work-related Injury or Illness

According to the law, Illinois employers have several responsibilities after an employee suffers a work-related injury or illness. These responsibilities [...]

Tips On How To Prepare For Your Workers’ Compensation Appeal

Tips On How To Prepare For Your Workers’ Compensation Appeal

If your Illinois workers’ compensation claim was denied, you should not panic. You may have a chance to appeal your [...]

Does Workers’ Compensation Cover Psychological Injuries In Illinois?

Does Workers’ Compensation Cover Psychological Injuries In Illinois?

After suffering a work injury in Illinois, you can file a workers’ compensation claim and recover benefits. When people think [...]

How To Prepare For Your Workers’ Compensation Trial

How To Prepare For Your Workers’ Compensation Trial

Before attending your workers’ compensation trial as an injured employee, it is crucial that you prepare yourself adequately. So how [...]

Can An Undocumented Employee File A Workers’ Compensation Claim In Illinois?

Can An Undocumented Employee File A Workers’ Compensation Claim In Illinois?

Any worker, including noncitizens such as undocumented immigrants, can suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. If you are an employee who [...]

What Types Of Work-Related Injuries Do Teachers Suffer?

What Types Of Work-Related Injuries Do Teachers Suffer?

It is uncommon for people to think of teachers when they hear about work injuries and occupational diseases. However, the [...]

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