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Pursuing Compensation After Losing a Finger in a Chicago Work-Related Accident


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), thousands of American workers lose fingers every year. This is an extremely common type of amputation for workers in Illinois, especially those who operate machinery. If you have lost a finger, you might be wondering what kind of compensation you will receive. How do you maximize this compensation as you face uncertain career opportunities in the future? This is a question you might want to ask an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer in Chicago.

Compensation Depends on the Finger You Lost 

As any worker will tell you, the loss of certain fingers is more problematic than others. If you lost your pinky finger, for example, you may not notice much loss in your overall hand functionality. Lose an index finger, on the other hand, and you may struggle to carry out your previous work-related duties. The loss of thumb represents a major reduction in overall functionality, as opposable thumbs are crucial for most physical tasks.

The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Program has a complex system for determining the “cost” of losing fingers. The program even specifies the value of partial finger losses. For example, you might lose 50% of your index finger. The “value” of a thumb is 76 weeks of permanent partial disability (PPD) compensation. This means that your settlement amount may be equal to 76 weeks of PPD payments. On the other hand, a lost index finger is equivalent to 43 weeks of PPD. If you lose four fingers on a single hand, the workers’ comp program will treat this as a complete hand amputation.

The specifics of these “body part values” may be confusing for the average worker, but there is no need to gain a complete understanding of this process. You can rely on your workers’ compensation to help you pursue maximum compensation for your amputated finger, and these legal professionals have a keen understanding of exactly how much you are eligible to receive.

Many People Have Succeeded After Suffering Finger Amputations 

History is filled with motivating stories of people who have succeeded in spite of serious finger amputations. One example is Claus von Stauffenberg, a soldier in World War II who lost his entire right hand and two fingers on his left hand. He then trained himself how to write with his left hand and almost succeeded in assassinating the leader of the Third Reich. Another example is Rick Allen, the drummer of Def Leppard. Allen adapted his drumming style after losing his entire left arm in a car accident, going on to guide the band toward commercial success.

Can a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Chicago Help After a Finger Amputation? 

If you have lost a finger during work, a workers’ compensation lawyer in Chicago may be able to help you pursue the financial support you deserve. These legal professionals understand how the loss of hand functionality can affect your future earnings, and they can help you maximize your compensation. To learn more about the next steps, consider a consultation with Connolly Injury Law today.




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