What Is “MMI” in Chicago Workers’ Compensation Cases?

If you are in the process of pursuing a workers’ compensation claim in Chicago, you may have come across the acronym “MMI.” This is yet another example of a legal/medical concept that causes considerable confusion for the average worker in Illinois. Although MMI might sound like a daunting phrase, it is actually quite simple. Once you understand what this means, it may be easier to pursue positive outcomes for your workers’ comp claim.
MMI Stands for “Maximum Medical Improvement”
The acronym “MMI” stands for “Maximum Medical Improvement.” In other words, it is the point in time when your healing process stops. For example, you might have suffered a broken leg in a factory accident. Your MMI in this situation might be the moment at which the fracture completely heals.
However, MMI does not necessarily indicate a full recovery. You might have suffered multiple fractures to your leg, and your natural healing process may only restore partial functionality to the limb. Even after your MMI, you may continue to walk with a limp for the rest of your life. Your leg might also be disfigured due to a non-ideal healing process.
Why Is MMI Important in a Workers’ Compensation Case?
This concept is important because unless you wait for your MMI, it will be difficult to predict the long-term consequences of your injury. For example, your doctor might give you a 50% chance of walking again after a serious spinal cord injury. Until you reach your MMI, it is impossible to pursue an appropriate level of compensation.
In an ideal world, you will reach your MMI having fully restored functionality to your legs. You may then return to work and earn the same income you earned prior to the accident. On the other hand, you may reach your MMI without regaining the ability to walk. In this scenario, you need additional compensation for total, permanent disability. This compensation must cover an entire lifetime of lost wages, as you may never earn income again.
Should I Accept a Settlement Before Reaching MMI?
You may feel pressured to accept a settlement before completing your healing process. Insurance providers can be extremely pushy, and they may give you the impression that unless you accept an offer now, you’ll lose the opportunity together.
First of all, you should know that you can accept or refuse a settlement at any time during your healing process. There is no real rush, despite what insurance representatives might be implying. Secondly, you should know that initial offers from insurance companies are often extremely low. The first sum will likely be a “lowball” offer that they fully expect you to refuse. Negotiating with an experienced workers’ comp attorney may help you maximize your compensation – especially if there’s a chance you might never fully recover.
Can a Workers’ Comp Lawyer in Chicago Help Me?
A workers’ compensation lawyer in Chicago may be able to help you pursue maximum financial support after your workplace injury. MMI is just one example of an important legal/medical concept that workers should understand during this process. There are many other important subjects to discuss, and you can continue this discussion by contacting Connolly Injury Law today.