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Naperville Delivery Driver Accident Lawyer

Working as a delivery driver allows you to explore your local area, meet all sorts of interesting people, and keep a largely fulfilling job. However, it is important to remember that accidents can happen when you least expect them. When you become involved in a car accident as a delivery driver, you could possibly open yourself up to liability, along with the company that you work for. If you find yourself involved in an accident, you should reach out to a Naperville delivery driver accident lawyer to protect your interests.

Delivery Driver Accidents

If you become injured while performing your job duties as a delivery driver, there is a strong chance that you might qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. However, this depends largely on your employer and the kind of coverage they carry for their employees. On the other hand, if you accidentally injure a pedestrian or cause a car accident while driving your company vehicle, there is a strong chance that you could open your company up to a personal injury claim.

If you are involved in a car accident with your delivery vehicle, it is important to note that the Illinois Safety and Financial Responsibility Law requires every party involved in an accident to file a report with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). You must file a report if the accident results in a personal injury claim that exceeds $500, property damage of at least $500, or a death. It is also important to note that Illinois state law makes it illegal to flee the scene of an accident.

Common Accident Causes for Delivery Drivers

Delivery driver is not a rare job in today’s world. People order things all the time, from takeout food to groceries to home furnishings. You can order almost anything and have it delivered to your house by a delivery driver. However, this large growth in the number of drivers increases the possibility of an accident. Sometimes, a delivery driver can be the cause of that accident. Here are some common causes of delivery driver accidents that happen all the time in Illinois:

  • Distracted Driving: Few issues cause as many accidents across the nation as distracted driving. Any activity that causes you to take your eyes off the road ahead of you is dangerous, as it interrupts your focus. Distracted driving can be any number of poor driving behaviors, including talking on the phone, texting, eating and drinking, applying makeup, talking with other passengers, and playing with the radio.
  • Poor Training: Some companies are so eager to hire more drivers for their deliveries that they fail to provide their new drivers with the proper training. Some of these vehicles are quite large and can cause serious damage to other drivers if they are involved in an accident. Poor training or lack of training can mean a distinct lack of preparation, which can cause terrible accidents.
  • Fatigued Driving: There are few decisions as dangerous as choosing to drive with very little sleep. Driving fatigued can be just as dangerous, if not more so, as driving drunk. Your motor skills are off, your brain isn’t fully aware of the situation, and you lack sufficient focus to drive effectively. If you are feeling tired behind the wheel, pull off to the side and sleep it off. Otherwise, you could cause a serious accident.


Q: What Happens If You Get in an Accident While Driving for DoorDash?

A: If you get into an accident while driving for DoorDash, or any other food delivery company, such as Uber Eats or Postmates, your company’s third-party liability insurance will likely cover you. This insurance tends to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and even death benefits if the unthinkable happens. This insurance will only apply if you get into an accident while on the job. If it occurs outside of your work hours, you may be on your own.

Q: What Are the Requirements for Reporting an Accident in Illinois?

A: In Illinois, the requirements for reporting an accident are strict. You have 10 days to report an accident if it resulted in serious bodily harm, death, or property damage that exceeds $1,500. If the driver is uninsured, then the property damage threshold is only $500. If a police officer appears on the scene, they will submit their own report, and you won’t have to do it yourself.

Q: What Is Comparative Negligence in Illinois?

A: In Illinois, comparative negligence is a state law that determines how much fault to assign to each party involved in a car accident. There is a distinct possibility that you and the other driver could be found equally at fault for your accident. However, comparative negligence will help determine the exact percentage. As long as you are found to be less than half responsible, you can still pursue damages from the other party.

Q: What Causes Delivery Driver Crashes in Illinois?

A: Delivery driver crashes are caused by reckless driving, distracted driving, and drunk drivers, among other accident causes. They have to deal with the same driving hazards that everyone else has to, except they are also representing the company they work for at the time. The stakes may be higher for them in the event of an accident. It is important to remember that driving can be dangerous when things get out of your control.

Contact Our Naperville Delivery Driver Accident Attorney Today

There are many different scenarios where a delivery driver can be the unfortunate cause of a bad accident that results in serious damage to you or your vehicle. If a delivery driver causes such an accident, you will want an experienced lawyer on your side. They can help you decide how to proceed with your case and determine an effective course of action.

At Connolly Injury Law, we can assist you in figuring out your next steps when it comes time to pursue legal action. We can build your case, gather substantial evidence, and make sure that you aren’t taken advantage of throughout this process. Contact us to schedule a consultation today.

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